Volunteer for the emergency NHS Pandemic response
There are a number of ways you can be involved
See the options below and choose the one that best fits how you'd like to help.
Volunteer in your Community
Join the 'NHS Volunteer Responders' campaign through GoodSamApp and the Royal Voluntary Service to support the most vulnerable in your community to stay well
Volunteer in your local Hospital or Surgery
Support your NHS from the inside. Find volunteering opportunities from local NHS trusts who are asking for help here
Volunteer at NHS Nightingale Hospital - EMERGENCY APPEAL
Volunteer to work in a non-clinical role at one of the NHS Nightingale Hospitals. Click the button to find out more
Clinician (not on register)
If you’re a clinician who left the register in the last 3 years and you want to return to clinical practice or to support the NHS 111 service you should go back through your regulator. If you left more than 3 years ago use the same form but specify on it when you left
Clinicians already on the register
If you are a clinician currently on the register but not employed by the NHS, you should go through NHS Professionals' Rapid Response unit
Volunteer in Scotland
If you are looking for COVID-19 volunteering opportunities in Scotland, click this link
Previously worked for the NHS?
If you have previously worked in the NHS and want to offer to return, the advice is currently to contact your local (or previous) NHS Employers
Hear from the frontline of our NHS